Tuesday, August 9, 2011

(Un)happy Feet

Two weeks ago, some lovely ladies and I were celebrating our friend's 30th birthday with pitchers of sangria at a tapas restaurant. It was a very cool atmosphere with dim lights, candles and fun music. As we were enjoying the celebration, I happened upon a disgusting sight across the room. There were two men sitting at a table similar to ours, and they were probably within a 27-32-year-old age range (old enough to know better). One of the men had his shoes - excuse me, his sandals - off, and he had his feet up...ON THE LEATHER SEAT. INAPPROPRIATE. What if these two had been sitting on MY leather seat two hours earlier, and I had to sit in man-foot germs all night? Sorry if your dogs are barking, but please put your feet away.

A month or so before, I was sitting in a waiting room before an appointment. Another woman was awaiting her appointment as well, and as she was perusing a magazine in one hand while she was absentmindedly picking at her bare foot with her other hand. Since when did it become appropriate to touch one's bare feet in a public place where you will likely handle reading material others will touch? What if you're going to shake someone's hand? No, thank you, I will not shake your foot-hand.

Summer is difficult; it's hot, and so it requires a different wardrobe which includes less clothing and more skin. Therefore, here is the rule of thumb: consider your footwear to be underwear; do not take it off in public. If you must take off your flip-flops in public, please refrain from touching your feet. You wouldn't touch your private parts in public, would you?