Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Guys without shirts (and one other jerk)

I hate when men walk around outside without shirts on. I don't care how hot it is outside. At least put a tank top on (still gross-looking, but slightly more acceptable than shirtless). The only time it's OK is when a guy is on his own property mowing the lawn or something. Once he's on the sidewalk or off his own property, it's stupid. I don't have gross chest hair, but I still have to wear a shirt.

Also, I went to the doctor the other day, and the receptionist was a grouch. As I checked in, I told her that I had been married since the last time I had been there, so my last name has changed. The receptionist then raised her eyebrows and said, "That's going to be fun" (about changing my name in my records). Ummm...as if I'm the first patient to have been married and had to change her name in her medical records. It's not my fault you don't like or know how to do your job properly. Furthermore, the only thing she did while I was standing there was cross out my maiden name in two places and replace it with my new name. She could have at least pretended that she was updating the computer to show how "not fun" the process is. What a jerk. Thanks for not congratulating me on my recent marriage but making it seem like a problem for you, Receptionist.

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